February 21st 2024


Compute Unit weights updated

We've adjusted the Compute Unit (CU) formula to better reflect the processing demands on Rated for generating the data. 

What’s changed?

Initially, a constant weight of 32 was applied as a denominator to the content length, resulting in the formula:

Compute Units =  (Content Length Bytes/32) + (Item Count x Business Value)

We've modified this approach to incorporate variable weights, which better account for the processing costs associated with producing this data. The new formula is:

Compute Units =  (Content Length Bytes/Weight) + (Item Count x Business Value)

Downstream impact on a per endpoint basis

This update changes the overall CU requirement to query certain endpoints that the Rated API supports, and are effective as of today. The updated weights, on a per endpoint basis, are available here.

If you’d like support or have questions, please reach out via hello@rated.network.

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