
Follow new updates and improvements to Rated.

February 4th, 2025


We’re excited to announce the launch of Celestia on the Rated API!

Starting today, you can access and query rewards data for validators on the Celestia, both at an individual level and network level over a specified time period:

GET /v1/celestia/validators/{node_id}/rewards

  • Provides a detailed summary of all rewards earned by a specific validator, identified by their validator_address

Sample Request

curl -X 'GET' '{validator_address}/rewards?fromDate=2025-01-01&toDate=2025-01-05' 
-H 'accept: application/json' 
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

Sample Response (trimmed for brevity)


GET /v1/celestia/network/rewards

  • Provides historical network level validator rewards for Celestia

Sample Request

curl -X 'GET' '' 
-H 'accept: application/json' 
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

Sample Response


Learn more
We encourage you to check out our API documentation to learn more about rewards behavior on Celestia. You can also find a glossary for the different fields in the responses returned by these endpoints. Lastly, we have historical rewards data going back to December 1, 2024, and are currently working to extend this further back into October 1, 2024.

Beta Release and Pricing
During the beta period, access to these new endpoints will be free. Compute unit based pricing will be introduced post-beta.

More to come
This is part of Rated’s ongoing effort to expand its coverage to more chains and networks. Stay tuned for more!

If you have any questions or feedback, especially on which networks we should cover, feel free to reach out to us at or at

January 30th, 2025

We’re excited to announce the launch of Avalanche on the Rated API!

Starting today, you can access and query rewards data for validators on the Avalanche Primary Network, both at an individual level and network level over a specified time period:

GET /v1/avalanche/validators/{node_id}/rewards

  • Provides a detailed summary of all rewards earned by a specific validator, identified by their node_id

Sample Request

curl -X 'GET' '{node_id}/rewards?fromDate=2024-12-01&toDate=2024-12-05' 
-H 'accept: application/json'  
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

Sample Response (trimmed for brevity)

         "validatorPubkey": "0x8f8df4745a1329a6318634e60332df71ecc4a9430d",
         "validatorPubkey": "0x8f8df4745a1329a6318634e60332df71ecc4a9430d",

GET /v1/avalanche/network/rewards

  • Provides historical network level validator rewards for the Primary Network

Sample Request

curl -X 'GET' '' 
-H 'accept: application/json' 
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_token>'

Sample Response


Learn more
As with all networks, there are nuances to how rewards behave on Avalanche. We encourage you to check out our API documentation to learn more, which also contains a glossary for the different fields in the responses returned by these endpoints. Lastly, we have historical rewards data going back to October 1, 2024.

Beta Release and Pricing
During the beta period, access to these new endpoints will be free (no compute unit consumption). Compute Unit (CU)-based pricing will be introduced post-beta.

More to come
This is part of Rated’s ongoing effort to expand its coverage to more chains and networks. Stay tuned!

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us at or at

January 24th, 2025

The issue we mentioned last week with the ethPrice and usdPrice being returned by our Eigenlayer rewards endpoints has been fixed. Specifically these endpoints are:

  • /v1/eigenlayer/entities/{operator_address}/rewards/

  • v1/eigenlayer/delegators/{delegator_address}/rewards/

  • v1/eigenlayer/eigenpods/{eigenpod_address}/rewards

We have also applied the correct historical conversion rates to past rewards. This means that both historical rewards and rewards moving forward will have the correct ETH and USD pricing as long as the particular set of rewards are claimable (activatedAt) and the related token has the appropriate liquidity.

Rest assured that we have taken steps to ensure that instances like this are minimized moving forward.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to go to

For more information on our API endpoints, please see our documentation.

January 22nd, 2025


Compute units (CUs) consumed for API calls are now available in the response header. This has been requested by our customers in order to have more visibility on consumption, and we are glad to have finally enabled this feature.

Below is an example using one of our rewards endpoints.


curl -v -X 'GET' '{delegator_address}/rewards?fromDate=2025-01-15&toDate=2025-01-16' 
-H 'accept: application/json' 
-H 'X-Rated-Network: mainnet' 
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>

Response header

using HTTP/1.x
GET (…)
Request completely sent off 
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
< x-rated-bytes-consumed: 2069 
< x-rated-compute-units: 6869 
Connection #0 to host left intact

x-rated-compute-units is the field the that gives the total compute units consumed by the request and the successful response. In this case, the CUs consumed is 6869.

Stay tuned for more releases regarding billing and usage transparency.

For more information on our pricing and the computation of compute units, please see here:

January 17th, 2025

We are aware of an issue with the ethPrice and usdPrice being returned by our Eigenlayer rewards endpoints below:

  • /v1/eigenlayer/entities/{operator_address}/rewards/

  • v1/eigenlayer/delegators/{delegator_address}/rewards/

  • v1/eigenlayer/eigenpods/{eigenpod_address}/rewards

The prices being returned are wrong and we are working on a fix to address this. For now, please only use the amount field to measure the rewards for the corresponding token information being given in the response.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and will immediately keep you all updated as we address this issue in the coming week (week of January 20, 2025).

January 16th, 2025

We have made changes to what was then the v1/eigenlayer/rewardsApiMetadata endpoint. Previously, this returned metadata specific to the latest complete rewards data available from our Eigenlayer rewards APIs. With the release of our new daily stake state endpoints, we have now turned this endpoint into a more generalized one. Two main changes below.

New name: v1/eigenlayer/apiMetadata

rewardsApiMetadata is no more. Now it's simply v1/eigenlayer/apiMetadata.

New response schema

     "rewardsLastFullDay": "2024-12-16",  
     "rewardsLastSnapshotTimestamp": 1734393600000,  
     "rewardsDistributionRootIndex": 21,

There are now fields specific to the latest data freshness of the rewards API endpoints and the state endpoints.

For more information, see our docs here:

January 14th, 2025



We’ve released three new endpoints regarding daily restaked balances in Eigenlayer. These are:

  • v1/eigenlayer/eigenpods/{eigenpod_address}/state

  • v1/eigenlayer/entities/{operator_address}/state

  • v1/eigenlayer/delegators/{delegator_address}/state

These endpoints allow you to track restaked balances across operators, delegators, and eigenpods on a daily level.

Sample response:

     "date": "2024-10-01",
     "earner": "0xB0bd0c91798d720a5585364bb4be7396c5b9731",
     "strategy": "0x54945180dB7943c0ed0FEE7EdaB2Bd24620256bc",
     "tokenAddress": "0xBe9895146f7AF43049ca1c1AE358B0541Ea49704",
     "totalShares": 12000000000000000000,
     "totalBalance": 12000000000000000000

Coupled with our Eigenlayer rewards endpoints, you’ll be able to track rates of return per operator and asset, and manage strategies accordingly.

Speaking of our rewards endpoints, the functionality of these existing endpoints have been extended to enable time-based aggregations using the granularity parameter, specifically weekly aggregations. As such we’re also changing the compute unit consumption of this endpoint to reflect this change; 7x increase to account for the capability to aggregate weekly (from daily).

For more information on these endpoints, please see here:
- Stake state endpoints:

- Expanded rewards endpoints:

December 20th, 2024


We've completed the migration of all Solana API endpoints to the v1 standard, introducing improvements and consistency across our infrastructure:

Key Updates

  • Standardized endpoint naming aligned with v1 schema

  • Enhanced performance via optimized v1 routing

API Reference 👉

Legacy endpoints will remain operational until we deprecate the v0 endpoints in Q1 2025.

If you’d like support or have questions, please reach out via If you have feedback, please let us know via

November 26th, 2024


With the implementation of Timely Vote Credits (TVC) on Solana mainnet-beta starting from Epoch 703 (November 26, 2024 07:57:15 UTC), vote latency is now integrated into how we measure how effective a validator is on Solana.

Vote latency is the slot distance between the slot being voted for and the slot where the vote transaction lands. With the implementation of TVC, the protocol now rewards validators based on latency accordingly.

A validator that correctly votes within two (2) slots for the slot it is voting for will get the maximum 16 vote credits. For every slot that a validator delays its vote, it gets one (1) less vote credit, until such that it can only get the minimum of one (1). This means that at 18 slots of worth of latency or more, as long as a validator's vote is correct and is no later than 512 slots, it gets the minimum vote credit.

As such we assign a vote_score for every correct vote based on the vote credits it receives. We then multiply the total number of confirmed blocks by 16 to get the maximum possible vote credits such that the voting effectiveness rating is:

voting effectiveness = vote_score / (total number of confirmed blocks * 16)

We have reflected this change in our methodology docs, under Version 2.0 of the Solana Validator Effectiveness Rating.

November 12th, 2024


You can now retrieve performance and rewards data for Ethereum based on UTC time intervals through our v1 endpoints!

How to Use It

Simply add utc=true to your existing API queries. That's it!

Note: UTC data is available for dates from October 1, 2024 onwards

Here's an example of how this would work 👇 When querying Coinbase's effectiveness from Nov 1-7 2024, you'll receive data in daily UTC intervals. 

Day alignment 
Since Ethereum epochs don't align perfectly with UTC midnight (they start at ~23:57 and end at ~00:03), we group epochs that start within a UTC day together. You can learn more about this here.

Ready to try it out? Check out the API docs here  👉  API Reference

If you have any questions or need support, don't hesitate to reach out to our team at!