January 22nd, 2025


Compute Units in Response Header

Compute units (CUs) consumed for API calls are now available in the response header. This has been requested by our customers in order to have more visibility on consumption, and we are glad to have finally enabled this feature.

Below is an example using one of our rewards endpoints.


curl -v -X 'GET' 'https://api.rated.network/v1/eigenlayer/delegators/{delegator_address}/rewards?fromDate=2025-01-15&toDate=2025-01-16' 
-H 'accept: application/json' 
-H 'X-Rated-Network: mainnet' 
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <api_key>

Response header

using HTTP/1.x
GET (…)
Request completely sent off 
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
< x-rated-bytes-consumed: 2069 
< x-rated-compute-units: 6869 
Connection #0 to host api.rated.network left intact

x-rated-compute-units is the field the that gives the total compute units consumed by the request and the successful response. In this case, the CUs consumed is 6869.

Stay tuned for more releases regarding billing and usage transparency.

For more information on our pricing and the computation of compute units, please see here: https://api-docs.rated.network/pricing/compute-units.