October 4th, 2024



Enhancements to Ethereum Attestations and ChainDailyRewards Endpoints

  • SyncSignatureCount added to entities endpoint

    • The syncSignatureCount field has been added to the /v1/eth/entities/{entity_id}/attestations endpoint, providing a more complete view of validator performance in the sync committee. This field was previously only available in the /v1/eth/validators/{validator_index_or_pubkey}/attestations endpoint

    • Impacted endpoints: v1 entities endpoints

  • Fix for from parameter in ChainDailyRewards endpoint

    • Resolved a 500 error occurring when using the from parameter in the chainDailyRewards endpoint, caused by a datatype mismatch (int vs. string)

    • Additionally, functionality has been added to support using UTC days in the from parameter for greater flexibility

    • Impacted endpoints: v0/eth/network/chainDailyRewards