January 24th, 2025

Fixed: Bug in Eigenlayer Rewards Feed

The issue we mentioned last week with the ethPrice and usdPrice being returned by our Eigenlayer rewards endpoints has been fixed. Specifically these endpoints are:

  • /v1/eigenlayer/entities/{operator_address}/rewards/

  • v1/eigenlayer/delegators/{delegator_address}/rewards/

  • v1/eigenlayer/eigenpods/{eigenpod_address}/rewards

We have also applied the correct historical conversion rates to past rewards. This means that both historical rewards and rewards moving forward will have the correct ETH and USD pricing as long as the particular set of rewards are claimable (activatedAt) and the related token has the appropriate liquidity.

Rest assured that we have taken steps to ensure that instances like this are minimized moving forward.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to go to feedback.rated.network.

For more information on our API endpoints, please see our documentation.