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Empty rewards for a validator

Using https://api-docs.rated.network/rated-api/api-reference/v1-beta/ethereum/rewards Get validator rewards metrics API, I wasn't able to find rewards associate with a validator I was looking for. ParametersURL : /v1/eth/validators/0xaa160542c2b1b9dbf5e11ca044067526c6dfff65efba88ea483d49bdbe478ab7489f8b1a903ea22b6d30cfa57626ca9e/rewards?granularity=hour&fromDate=2023-04-01&toDate=2024-05-13X-Rated-Network = mainnetResponse : { "previous": null, "next": null, "pages": 0, "results": [] }I was expecting to see some consensus rewards for that period.Here's the data on beaconchainhttps://beaconcha.in/validator/aa160542c2b1b9dbf5e11ca044067526c6dfff65efba88ea483d49bdbe478ab7489f8b1a903ea22b6d30cfa57626ca9e

Jacob Marcil 2 days ago


🐞 Bug Reports


Invalid response for V1 (Beta) Get Validator metrics

The API return a HTTP 400 for a valid request for this API https://api-docs.rated.network/rated-api/api-reference/v1-beta/ethereum/rewards#validator-rewards. Parameters :URL : /v1/eth/validators/0x923285aabe7b6edd1aff2022f6089b7343c9d35bfea3e22792c4b43350153e7323cbbb15ce096e9f3c60b5bc55713a4d/rewardsHeaders : X-Rated-Network = mainnetResponse (HTTP 400)[ { "loc": [ "sumExternallySourcedExecutionRewards" ], "msg": "value is not a valid float", "type": "type_error.float" } ]Same thing when using the validator idParameters :URL : /v1/eth/validators/1025148/rewardsHeaders : X-Rated-Network = mainnetThis shows the existence of this validator https://beaconcha.in/validator/923285aabe7b6edd1aff2022f6089b7343c9d35bfea3e22792c4b43350153e7323cbbb15ce096e9f3c60b5bc55713a4dIt's also possible to get this validator using Rated APIURL : /v1/eth/validators/0x923285aabe7b6edd1aff2022f6089b7343c9d35bfea3e22792c4b43350153e7323cbbb15ce096e9f3c60b5bc55713a4dHeaders : X-Rated-Network = mainnetResponse{ "validatorIndex": 1025148, "validatorPubkey": "0x923285aabe7b6edd1aff2022f6089b7343c9d35bfea3e22792c4b43350153e7323cbbb15ce096e9f3c60b5bc55713a4d", "activationEpoch": 242547, "activationEligibilityEpoch": 242529, "exitEpoch": null, "withdrawableEpoch": null }

Jacob Marcil 2 days ago


🐞 Bug Reports

API endpoint to get attestation duties metrics for withdrawal address does not return total sync signature

Helloooo team I am currently trying to use rated API to query Get validator attestation duties metrics. I am interested in understanding the missing sync signature. If I query the endpoint GET/eth/entities/{entity_id}/attestations it returns the 'sumMissedSyncSignatures' but it does not provide the total sync signatures. I can get 'sync_signature_count' through the endpoint GET/eth/validators/attestations. However in order to query multiple validator indices together, I have to add multiple query parameters as shown in the picture. Since I have 3k+ validators, it can be a bit tricky to send such a huge query. TLDR: It would be great if we can add sync_signature_count for the endpoint GET/eth/entities/{entity_id}/attestations

shouvikghosh 29 days ago


πŸ’‘ Feature Request